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Wakileh | wastewater treatment in jordan | sewage treatment in jordan
nabil wakileh

Message from the GM 

As a leading engineering firm specialized in environmental solutions,We strive to provide sustainable environment solutions with excellence and high integrity. 

Our deep conviction that it is our utmost responsibility to save the environment for the generations to come, motivates us to be passionately committed to optimizing and developing the Industry environment.

We believe in the Native American Proverb that says:

Eng. Nabil Wakileh

Founder & General Manager

"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors,

                               We borrow it from our children" - Haida Indian Saying

We design & build water treatment systems integrating Innovative Technology with economical, cost effective, high quality, sustainable and proven solutions.

Our water and wastewater treatment systems aim to provide economical, innovative and reliable working systems that provide free -of -charge treated water for re-use in irrigation & plantation to encourage expanding the green areas,  and  saving available Fresh Water for  household consumption, in an attempt to  approach the ultimate task, namely that Wastewater Treatment shall be looked upon as an investment with a quick return (3-7 years) rather than an expenditure to satisfy regulations. I believe that this can  be possible only when the system can be simply and easily operated by nonprofessional staff, with simple maintenance program and Low Operating Cost 


Besides being one of the first companies in Jordan specialized in the field of Decentralized Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plants, we are well known in business of Industrial Electronic Weighing Systems, where we supply and install Truck Scales and Industrial Scales .


In our endeavour to professionally save the environment, we have served public sectors, industries and homes, in addition to our involvement with local and international research and our cooperation with academic institutions. 


Our customers receive our greatest attention. It’s the knowhow and hard work of our diverse well-equipped workforce who ensure highest service levels at all times a matter that marks the success of our projects.


While it gives me great honor and pleasure to watch the growth of our role and involvement in saving the environment and making it better, it is still our dream and highest objective to provide the appropriate decentralized wastewater treatment technology for every remote house, compound and village that are not connected to the sewer collection network.


I personally look forward to continuing our journey of  being of services to the community.

© 2022 WAKILEH 

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